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Top 20 Gastrointestinal Stomach

A Navigation Guide for Top20Gastrointestinal Stomach.com
Peptic Ulcers & Gastritis

Microbiology - Helicobacter Pylori (Ulcer), Armando Hasudungan (9:54)

This video starts with a hand drawn Helicobacter pylori, which is then labeled. Functions and reactions that take place are explained.  This video helps explain parts of the stomach anatomy as well and zooms into the atrium and describes the stomach cells, mucus, and acid. This all flows into the description of how an ulcer forms. treatment is also discussed.

Peptic Ulcer Disease Pathophysiology, Andrew Wolf (29:53)
The lecture starts with an introduction to acid production as well as mucosal barrier defenses. The video then focuses on the pathophysiology of peptic ulcer disease. The material is well described in this video. The lecture is in the form of narration while drawings and flowcharts are made on the screen to illustrate what is being discussed.

Stomach Diseases (Gastritis, Peptic Ulcer, Zollinger Ellison, Menetrier's, Adenocarcinoma), the study spot (17:45)
Acute and chronic gastritis are compared, as are duodenal and gastric peptic ulcers. Notes are created as the topics are being presented. Less time is spent on Zollinger Ellison, Menetrier's, and Adenocarcinoma,
but covered in enough detail of Step 1 prep.